
2022 Green 13 Nominations

2022 Green 13 Nominations

Green 13 is back and bigger than ever. Two years ago we introduced our national Green 13 Program; a celebration of 13 students/athletes across the country who best represent what it means to be "GREEN". Previous Green 13 Recipients Year 1 Recipients Year 2 Recipients...

Masks and Standards

Masks and Standards

How does a team that requires everyone to live to a standard eventually get to the point where no one is living according to it at all?  It happens little by little, one person at a time, with everyone slowing following suit.

If you don’t want your team to slip, you better fight every day to hold the standard, or you’ll slowly see the standard disappear.

The Top 10 Pain Points Coaches Experience

The Top 10 Pain Points Coaches Experience

At Lead ‘Em Up we are privileged to work with great coaches all across the globe in all sports. Our heart and mission is to make the life of the coach easier by helping them build the leaders needed to win. In an effort to do that, we are constantly asking questions and seeking feedback from the coaches themselves.

Through this process we’ve identified the top 10 pain points the majority of coaches experience.

Lead ‘Em Up Classroom is Here

Lead ‘Em Up Classroom is Here

We are thrilled to share some very exciting news with you... Lead 'Em Up is now teacher tested and student approved! During the past year we've been piloting our classroom curriculum with four schools across North America. We've received tremendous feedback from...

2022 Green 13 Nominations

2021 Green 13 Nominations

Green 13 is back and bigger than ever. Last year we introduced our Green 13 program: 13 athletes who represented what it means to be "green" as we announced the original 13 recipients of this highly respected and coveted award. (Click here to see the original Green 13...

Lead ‘Em Up Athletic Program Roll Out

Lead ‘Em Up Athletic Program Roll Out

It’s our mission to get Lead ‘Em Up to as many schools and athletic programs across the world as possible.

When working with an athletic program there are typically three ways in which Lead ‘Em Up gets rolled-out Athletic Program wide

Are You Asking Your Leaders This?

Are You Asking Your Leaders This?

In sports, and in life, we will all be a follower at some point and actively participate in the role of a ‘follower’. And in most cases, we will be in that role more often than that of leadership.

So, why not learn to excel as both a leader and a follower?

5 Biggest Moments in Lead ‘Em Up

5 Biggest Moments in Lead ‘Em Up

Take a look back at the 5 biggest moments in Lead ‘Em Up. What a great run these 5-years. We have more growing to do and more impact to make.

Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

The players began taking this team and leading it to another level. The run we made the last few weeks of the season, throughout the playoffs, on our way to a Regional Championship and finally ending up at Xfinity Center for the State Tournament, was absolutely incredible.

Our First Online Sale

Our First Online Sale

August 10th 2015, we officially released our online program available for annual purchase and to our delight, shortly after we released it, we got an email notification of our first purchase.

5 Years – 5 Wishes

5 Years – 5 Wishes

Are you a friend of Lead 'Em Up?  Hmm... I think so, how do I know for sure? Here's how you know for sure: if you support Lead 'Em Up in any of the following ways:  1) being an online member, 2) having gone through Lead 'Em Up sessions, 3) following us on social media...

What You Can’t See

What You Can’t See

It takes great teammates who lead and who know how to be led at the same time, to achieve success. Sports are very special because they parallel real life. Without special teammates and leadership, you cannot reach your own or team’s full potential.

Success is truly all about the TEAM.

The Top 10 Most Popular Lead ‘Em Up Exercises

The Top 10 Most Popular Lead ‘Em Up Exercises

We pride ourselves on our unique curriculum which reaches athletes where they’re at, teaches them how they learn, and is filled with themes which are memorable and portable.

While it’s hard to narrow down which exercises are the best, we compiled a list of the 10 most popular Lead ‘Em Up exercises.

The Corner, Featuring Grace Jones

The Corner, Featuring Grace Jones

Improving as a leader also improved my drive to become a better athlete. I trained harder and started seeing the bigger picture. I not only wanted to be a better player for myself, but for my team as well.

More Is Needed

More Is Needed

Leading by example is the absolute bare minimum requirement to being an effective leader. The best leaders do so much more.

The Corner, Featuring Katie Robinson

The Corner, Featuring Katie Robinson

Improving as a leader has transitioned me from an individual centered mindset to team mindset. I have a much better understanding of the value of being a member of a team. Being a part of a team has taught me the importance of everyone working together to accomplish a common goal.

Let Your Body Do The Talking

Let Your Body Do The Talking

We all communicate through one universal language, body language; and when we control it, we’re in control of how others view us.

Your At-Home Performance Program

Your At-Home Performance Program

With schools and gyms closed, coaches and athletes are looking for ways to maintain and increase their level of fitness. This training series provides coaches and athletes exactly what they need during this stay at home period.

Virtual Team Sessions

Virtual Team Sessions

Looking to stay connected despite not being together in-person? Take advantage of our dynamic 45-minute Lead ‘Em Up team sessions. These unique, interactive leadership sessions will keep your team connected and growing.

The Green 13

The Green 13

Welcome to the Green 13 We had close to 10K athletes go through Lead 'Em Up Live Training last year and in each of those instances we share our message of athletes needing to be "Green." For simplification purposes, green represents "money", which is a synonym in...

Compounding Leadership

Compounding Leadership

A true developmental win in your program looks like this: the leadership habits you’ve committed to teaching today, would compound for years to come. A true win is possible and we are collectively in this together.

Redefining Leadership

Redefining Leadership

Leadership is all around us. We know this, or at least we think we do. We think we recognize it when we see it or hear it. The TV cameras readily recognize the emotional player on the sidelines rallying their teammates with an impassioned speech. We attribute...

The Corner, Featuring Damir Miller

The Corner, Featuring Damir Miller

Player Name: Damir Miller Year in School: 8th Grade Sport: Basketball Name of School: China Grove Middle School Brief bio/summary from coach about player: Damir had never played basketball leading into try-outs for 7th grade two years ago. He steadily worked on his...

The Corner, Featuring Noah Allred

The Corner, Featuring Noah Allred

In this edition of The Corner, we learn how Noah Allred’s leadership transformation has impacted his team at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School.

5 Ways to Create a Culture of Feedback

5 Ways to Create a Culture of Feedback

Feedback is an endless loop that can cause your team & relationships to break or thrive. By utilizing these five strategies and our curriculum at Lead ‘Em Up, you can give and teach your teams to give and receive great feedback to help develop the leaders needed to win.

8 Qualities of Great Teammates

8 Qualities of Great Teammates

If you were to ask any athlete past, present, or future what their favorite sports memories include, what would they say? Teammates. It's bigger than the scoreboard. Sports are about being a part of something bigger than yourself. Sure, they can bring individual...

The Corner, Featuring Will Harriman

The Corner, Featuring Will Harriman

Player Name: Will Harriman Year in School: Junior Sport: Basketball Name of School: Biddeford High School Brief bio/summary from coach about player: Will Harriman will be a Junior for the 2019-2020 school year.  Will averaged a few minutes per game at the varsity...

Become The Coach Your Athletes Will Learn From

Become The Coach Your Athletes Will Learn From

Who Do Athletes Learn From? Which coach did you learn best from growing up? Were they the “cold, ivory-tower” type of leader or were they warm and personable? We are willing to bet the coaches you learned best from were also the one’s you loved the most. Are today's...

Classroom Sessions

Classroom Sessions

Do teams need classroom time to be successful? Almost 90% of our hosted Lead ‘Em Up sessions now take place in a classroom, a contrast to our early years when most sessions were done on court, on the field or in a locker room. The classroom is the ideal environment...

The Corner, Featuring Will Harriman

The Corner, Featuring Maya Taylor

Player Name: Maya Taylor Year in School: Junior Sport: Girls Basketball Name of School: South County High School What has helped you develop the leadership mindset you have today? Seeing the impact it has on my team, myself, and life on and off the court has...

The Corner, Featuring Jaylon Gibson

The Corner, Featuring Jaylon Gibson

Player Spotlight - Jaylon Gibson Junior Varsity Basketball Raleigh, North Carolina What has helped you develop the leadership mindset you have today?   I developed my leadership mindset after being put in a situation where there was no team leader other than the...

Good Character May Not Be What You Think It Is

Good Character May Not Be What You Think It Is

When you ask a group of players, "who has ever heard a coach say they're looking for kids with good character?" You'll see a room full of players all raising their hands.  We say it and they hear it. Often. We've recently polled hundreds of players asking them "when...

The Corner, Featuring Jaylon Gibson

The Corner, Featuring Sara Moring

Player Spotlight  - Sara Moring  Senior  Varsity Basketball  Oak Hill High School; Wales, Maine Sara is a shooting guard who is in her third year starting for her program's varsity team. She started her sophomore year due to injury to a senior and has never let go of...

What You Need Is In The Room

What You Need Is In The Room

I hate to break it to you but the savior of your team is not walking through the door in the next few days. You may be at the point in your season where you’re struggling to find a way to get over the hump. You may be wishing and praying you could just have one more...

5 & 5 Social Media Strategy

5 & 5 Social Media Strategy

Utilize our 5 & 5 Strategy to help assure your social media consumption (which we all know is frequent) is one of the areas helping you grow and not holding you back.

Two Sides of The Game

Two Sides of The Game

Two Sides of the Game We hear it.  How can you not?  It’s everywhere we go. The players say it, the coaches say it, athletic director's talk about it, and parents have even said it. Why are we spending time developing leaders when we should be practicing? Shouldn’t we...

One Team Warming More Than Hearts This Holiday Season!

One Team Warming More Than Hearts This Holiday Season!

Program Spotlight - United Girls Basektball, Monmouth Illinois Have a you ever wanted to make a big impact in your community? Have you ever wanted to find a way for your players to come together, serve others, and grow closer together? If that's something you've...

The Corner, Featuring Jaylon Gibson

The Corner, featuring Jordan Hawkins (Player Spotlight)

Player Spotlight - Jordan Hawkins Sophomore | Varsity Basketball | Gaithersburg MD As a freshman starter on Varsity, he helped lead his Gaithersburg Trojans to a Regional Championship and to the State Semifinals at University of Maryland. What has helped you develop...

Recognize The Drop Off

Recognize The Drop Off

As leaders responsible for leading our athletes we need to recognize and become aware of the leadership drop-off; a common occurrence in leadership. Whatever level you are at as a leader, there will always be a drop-off from your level to those around you. If they...

The Corner, Featuring Jaylon Gibson

The Corner, featuring Marquez Cooper (Player Spotlight)

Player Spotlight – Marquez Cooper If you follow High School football you’ve most likely heard about the star running back Marquez Cooper out of Quince Orchard. Cooper has been dominating the competition and is being talked about all over, just read this and this to...

Players: Are You Setting Yourself Up For Success?

Players: Are You Setting Yourself Up For Success?

What do you do when you’re your gas light is on but you’re only a few miles away from where you're going?  You find the fuel your car needs and fill it up.  You don't take trash, blend it up and funnel it into the gas tank.  You don't dump Gatorade or the soda sitting...

Small Change… Huge Difference

Small Change… Huge Difference

As leaders, we have to be conscious what we allow into our minds. We all know what our players consume matters, but it's hard for them to see the bigger picture at times. So it presents the question, "What is our role as a coach?" It's difficult to get the message of...

Player Spotlight: Jao Ituka

Player Spotlight: Jao Ituka

As part of our effort to bring maximum value to players and coaches, Lead 'Em Up will begin sharing a montly player and program spotlight. We believe some of the best learning takes place from our peers. Think about it, some of the best stuff you get at coaching...

That’s All It Costs?

That’s All It Costs?

Only $99? That's crazy. "Wasn't it like $350 a team before," you may be thinking You are right. We decided to transition our product from a $349 a season price to a $99 a year all-access program. We did this for a couple reasons: Over the past 3-years, we've had...