5 Years – 5 Wishes

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5 Years – 5 Wishes

Are you a friend of Lead ‘Em Up?  Hmm… I think so, how do I know for sure?

Here’s how you know for sure: if you support Lead ‘Em Up in any of the following ways:  1) being an online member, 2) having gone through Lead ‘Em Up sessions, 3) following us on social media or 4) simply believing/supporting what we do (developing athletes into the leaders needed to win).

If you’re any of those 4-things, we consider you a friend.  Hello friend!

As you may or may not have heard, we are celebrating our birthday this month.  We are officially 5-years old.

We aren’t one to ask for a birthday gift, because that’s awkward and tacky, but with that said, we think it’s suitable to share our 5-birthday wishes with our friends (with the hope you’d be willing to help a friend and participate).

Here are 5-wishes we’d love to share with the hope you’ll do one (or all five preferably:

1) Two of our most popular exercises are the Green Team and Going for the Gold.  The Green Team represents what we want to build (we’re trying to be “Money” = “Special” so we can build something “Money” = “Special”) and Gold represents the pursuit of Goldmines (which is what we call connections we have with others).

Because of that, we’d love for you to put a bag of gold emoji at the end of your twitter name (see example) to communicate outward your desire to be “money” and to communicate a connection, that we all have through Lead ‘Em Up.

2) Use the #LeadEmUp hashtag in ALL your leadership-themed posts.  The Lead ‘Em Up community commonly searches the #LeadEmUp hashtag to gain inspiration, ideas, feedback and more, so by using the hashtag, it’ll help create more activity for people to find.

3) Represent Lead ‘Em Up with some stickers, apparel, buttons, etc.,  We love the support of Lead ‘Em Up online, but life isn’t fully lived online (although it feels like it at times) so having some swag. You can get all of the swag here.

And later this month we’ll be running a special 2-day only special sale of our Lead ‘Em Up sleeveless hoodies.  You won’t want to take this off.  Promise.

4) Head over to our Instagram (@LeadEmUp) and check out our 31-Coaches Series.

We reached out to 31 coaches and asked each coach to share their insight on five leadership questions.  Each day during the month of August we’ll be sharing a different coach.

There will be some great content being shared all month long.  Participate by sharing your thoughts, feedback, re-posting the answers you love and more.

See you over on the Gram.

5) Help us continue spreading the word of Lead ‘Em Up.  Athletic Directors, coaches and athletes grow from using Lead ‘Em Up so the more people we can introduce Lead ‘Em Up to, the more growth can happen.

If you would, share any of the graphics below and use #LeadEmUp (or tag our social accounts).  We’d love to see it.

Whoever shares a graphic and tags us, we’ll be picking random winners all month long, it could be you.

You are the best!  We appreciate your friendship.

We want to provide you a tool to keep your players engaged, growing as leaders and continuing to feel connected to their team/teammates; The 21-Day Leadership Playbook. 

This FREE 21-Day Leadership Playbook is filled with various Lead ‘Em Up exercises, uniquely modified for players to do on their own, as part of a team-wide exercise.

Download your free copy right here! 

Have fun and #LeadEmUp

Have your Players ever come out flat?


Have your players start every game with the right balance of energy and focus!

Get your FREE exercise and get started with Lead ‘Em Up right NOW!

Mixing Board

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Have your Players Ever Come Out Flat?

Have your Players start every game off with the right balance of energy and focus!

Get your FREE exercise and get started with Lead ‘Em Up right NOW!