Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

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Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

It was six-years ago I worked with the Watkins Mill Football Team but during that time, Lead ‘Em Up wasn’t even a thing.  I was still figuring this whole thing out.

It wasn’t until a year after Watkins Mill we launched Lead ‘Em Up and actually “pitched” a coach to hire us to work with their team all season long.

A mutual friend, Alan Stein, connected me to Chris Lun, Head Basketball Coach at Whitman High School in Bethesda, MD.

Coach Lun and I met one day in his classroom at Pyle Middle School and I pitched the idea of Whitman Basketball having a leadership coach on staff and using Lead ‘Em Up.  He loved the idea and jumped on-board.

I was ecstatic. Coach Lun is a State Championship coach who runs an incredible program so for him to see the vision I was casting it helped confirm our vision was something coaches would actually want.

That year was an incredible season.  We went all in with the boys; weekly sessions, on-going text conversations, team dinners, Iron awards and more. The year exceeded my expectations.

The season had the natural roller-coasters; losing streaks mid-season and questioning if leaders would step-up, but with a few weeks left in the season things starting clicking.  We had turned the corner.

The players began taking hold of the team and leading it to another level. The run we made the last few weeks of the season, throughout the playoffs, on our way to a Regional Championship and finally ending up at Xfinity Center for the State Tournament, was absolutely incredible.

Still to this day, that season was one of the best experiences with a team I’ve ever had.

Coach Lun is special. What an honor to work with him and the Whitman program and shout-out to Coach for being the first to help get the ball rolling for Lead ‘Em Up.

We want to provide you a tool to keep your players engaged, growing as leaders and continuing to feel connected to their team/teammates; The 21-Day Leadership Playbook. 

This FREE 21-Day Leadership Playbook is filled with various Lead ‘Em Up exercises, uniquely modified for players to do on their own, as part of a team-wide exercise.

Download your free copy right here! 

Have fun and #LeadEmUp

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