Green 13 is back and bigger than ever. Two years ago we introduced our national Green 13 Program; a celebration of 13 students/athletes across the country who best represent what it means to be "GREEN". Previous Green 13 Recipients Year 1 Recipients Year 2 Recipients...
Leadership Development
The Top 10 Pain Points Coaches Experience
At Lead ‘Em Up we are privileged to work with great coaches all across the globe in all sports. Our heart and mission is to make the life of the coach easier by helping them build the leaders needed to win. In an effort to do that, we are constantly asking questions and seeking feedback from the coaches themselves.
Through this process we’ve identified the top 10 pain points the majority of coaches experience.
All In with Michigan State Champions North Muskegon Girls Soccer
When we hear about what took place with North Muskegon this year it’s on full display what took place was bigger than the game. The beauty of this is when you do the things which are bigger than the game, the game itself usually plays out better.
Do you know what’s better than rolling out Lead ‘Em Up Schoolwide? It’s what Moore, Oklahoma is doing
Something special is happening in Oklahoma.
It’s great when individual teams experience Lead ‘Em Up, even better when entire athletic programs do, and absolutely incredible to see what’s happening in Moore, Oklahoma.
Moore Public Schools are in their second year of utilizing Lead ‘Em Up district wide and the impact being made is remarkable.
Lead ‘Em Up Classroom is Here
We are thrilled to share some very exciting news with you... Lead 'Em Up is now teacher tested and student approved! During the past year we've been piloting our classroom curriculum with four schools across North America. We've received tremendous feedback from...
2021 Green 13 Nominations
Green 13 is back and bigger than ever. Last year we introduced our Green 13 program: 13 athletes who represented what it means to be "green" as we announced the original 13 recipients of this highly respected and coveted award. (Click here to see the original Green 13...
Lead ‘Em Up Athletic Program Roll Out
It’s our mission to get Lead ‘Em Up to as many schools and athletic programs across the world as possible.
When working with an athletic program there are typically three ways in which Lead ‘Em Up gets rolled-out Athletic Program wide
Are You Asking Your Leaders This?
In sports, and in life, we will all be a follower at some point and actively participate in the role of a ‘follower’. And in most cases, we will be in that role more often than that of leadership.
So, why not learn to excel as both a leader and a follower?
5 Biggest Moments in Lead ‘Em Up
Take a look back at the 5 biggest moments in Lead ‘Em Up. What a great run these 5-years. We have more growing to do and more impact to make.
Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team
The players began taking this team and leading it to another level. The run we made the last few weeks of the season, throughout the playoffs, on our way to a Regional Championship and finally ending up at Xfinity Center for the State Tournament, was absolutely incredible.
Our First Online Sale
August 10th 2015, we officially released our online program available for annual purchase and to our delight, shortly after we released it, we got an email notification of our first purchase.
5 Years – 5 Wishes
Are you a friend of Lead 'Em Up? Hmm... I think so, how do I know for sure? Here's how you know for sure: if you support Lead 'Em Up in any of the following ways: 1) being an online member, 2) having gone through Lead 'Em Up sessions, 3) following us on social media...
What You Can’t See
It takes great teammates who lead and who know how to be led at the same time, to achieve success. Sports are very special because they parallel real life. Without special teammates and leadership, you cannot reach your own or team’s full potential.
Success is truly all about the TEAM.
The Top 10 Most Popular Lead ‘Em Up Exercises
We pride ourselves on our unique curriculum which reaches athletes where they’re at, teaches them how they learn, and is filled with themes which are memorable and portable.
While it’s hard to narrow down which exercises are the best, we compiled a list of the 10 most popular Lead ‘Em Up exercises.
The Corner, Featuring Grace Jones
Improving as a leader also improved my drive to become a better athlete. I trained harder and started seeing the bigger picture. I not only wanted to be a better player for myself, but for my team as well.
Let Your Body Do The Talking
We all communicate through one universal language, body language; and when we control it, we’re in control of how others view us.
The Corner, Featuring Dylan Trenaman
Discover how Dylan Trenaman’s leadership growth has impacted his teammates and program in this edition of The Corner from Lead ‘Em Up.
5 Ways to Deal With Fear Based Coaching
Uncover five ways for athletes to deal with fear-based coaching while developing the ability to shine as a leader.
The Corner, Featuring Chloe Murdock
Discover how Chloe Murdock’s leadership growth has impacted his teammates and program in this edition of The Corner from Lead ‘Em Up.
The Green 13
Welcome to the Green 13 We had close to 10K athletes go through Lead 'Em Up Live Training last year and in each of those instances we share our message of athletes needing to be "Green." For simplification purposes, green represents "money", which is a synonym in...
Compounding Leadership
A true developmental win in your program looks like this: the leadership habits you’ve committed to teaching today, would compound for years to come. A true win is possible and we are collectively in this together.
The Corner, Featuring Isaiah Petitfrere
Discover how Isaiah Petitfrere’s leadership growth has impacted his teammates and program in this edition of The Corner from Lead ‘Em Up.
Redefining Leadership
Leadership is all around us. We know this, or at least we think we do. We think we recognize it when we see it or hear it. The TV cameras readily recognize the emotional player on the sidelines rallying their teammates with an impassioned speech. We attribute...
The Corner, Featuring Damir Miller
Player Name: Damir Miller Year in School: 8th Grade Sport: Basketball Name of School: China Grove Middle School Brief bio/summary from coach about player: Damir had never played basketball leading into try-outs for 7th grade two years ago. He steadily worked on his...
The Corner, Featuring Will Harriman
Player Name: Will Harriman Year in School: Junior Sport: Basketball Name of School: Biddeford High School Brief bio/summary from coach about player: Will Harriman will be a Junior for the 2019-2020 school year. Will averaged a few minutes per game at the varsity...
Recognize The Drop Off
As leaders responsible for leading our athletes we need to recognize and become aware of the leadership drop-off; a common occurrence in leadership. Whatever level you are at as a leader, there will always be a drop-off from your level to those around you. If they...
The Corner, featuring Marquez Cooper (Player Spotlight)
Player Spotlight – Marquez Cooper If you follow High School football you’ve most likely heard about the star running back Marquez Cooper out of Quince Orchard. Cooper has been dominating the competition and is being talked about all over, just read this and this to...
Player Spotlight: Jao Ituka
As part of our effort to bring maximum value to players and coaches, Lead 'Em Up will begin sharing a montly player and program spotlight. We believe some of the best learning takes place from our peers. Think about it, some of the best stuff you get at coaching...
In-Season, Off-Season, All-Seasons
We often get asked by coaches when they should do the Lead 'Em Up exercises with their teams. Â Our answer is always the same: in-season, off-season, all-seasons. Leadership is a lifestyle and needs to become part of our players lives. Â It's not something they can just...
That’s All It Costs?
Only $99? That's crazy. "Wasn't it like $350 a team before," you may be thinking You are right. We decided to transition our product from a $349 a season price to a $99 a year all-access program. We did this for a couple reasons: Over the past 3-years, we've had...
Paint the Picture
Coaches fully understand when the leader improves, everybody wins. But how many players do? One of the best things about investing in leadership development is the multiplying effect it has. Individuals, teams, programs, schools, and communities all benefit when...
The More You Pour Into Your Players, The More They Have To Give
"What's down in the well, comes up in the bucket." We're sure you've heard this countless times, but it's one of those great quotes which we need continual reminders of. The Naval Seals have a saying, "You don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your...
Leading By Example Is Not Enough
When thinking of the characteristics which define leadership one of the top responses is always, "leading by example." We've all heard this phrase for as long as we can remember. Does it have merit? Yes...but it can't be the only thing required or expected of the...
Better People Make Better Athletes
Oftentimes the emphasis in youth and high school sports is placed on talent level alone. Adults get too caught up in the things which matter least in the long run. When we pause to reflect on what's most important, we should consider the following: How many great...
Leadership is a Lifestyle
What do great leaders do more than anyone else? Great leaders live a leadership lifestyle by leading all the time. More than anything else, great leaders are consistent. Leadership affects our everyday interactions and experiences. As leaders, everything we say and do...
Make Leadership The New Cool
Is leadership cool? We absolutely believe so! Many times leadership isn't viewed as cool, but when we stop and reflect on the best athletes and coaches in the world, the vast majority of them exhibit tremendous leadership ability. It's time we address the coolness of...