Coaches Membership Update Part 5

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Coaches Membership Update Part 5

Continuing our updates to the Coaches Membership today we are opening access to our Team Leadership Profile to everyone.

Customized Exercise Guide, Green Leadership Level, and Top Three Areas to Improve with a Team Leadership Profile

Every team is different. Every team has its own needs. Every team needs to begin with the Green Team Framework, establishing the vision and standards for what it will require to build a special team.

But once you complete the framework, what are the next steps? This is the question we get from many of our coaches.

The answer is: it depends on your team. Every team is different and in different places.

This is why for the past few months we have been building out our Team Leadership Profile. The Team Leadership Profile is a way for us to customize a leadership plan specific to the exact needs of your team.

To get your Team Leadership Profile we have put together a 10-point questionnaire for you to answer about your team. Each question is on a 1-5 point scale.

With your answers, our team will provide you a Green Team Leadership Score, give you the three Player Growth

Areas most important for your team to improve on, and give you a customized exercise guide to get your team there.

Once you receive your customized plan, all you need to do is execute the plan and begin seeing your team move closer to winning.

Get your Team’s Leadership Profile by login into your Coaches Membership Today.

Have fun and #LeadEmUp

Have fun and #LeadEmUp

Have your Players ever come out flat?


Have your players start every game with the right balance of energy and focus!

Get your FREE exercise and get started with Lead ‘Em Up right NOW!

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Have your Players Ever Come Out Flat?

Have your Players start every game off with the right balance of energy and focus!

Get your FREE exercise and get started with Lead ‘Em Up right NOW!