Jim Harbaugh’s Strongest Leadership Trait

Jim Harbaugh’s Strongest Leadership Trait

Coach Harbaugh’s leadership shines as he champions the Wolverines to victory. Observing his selfless approach, putting players first, reveals the essence of his coaching brilliance and their path to the National Championship

In-Season, Off-Season, All-Seasons

In-Season, Off-Season, All-Seasons

We often get asked by coaches when they should do the Lead 'Em Up exercises with their teams.  Our answer is always the same: in-season, off-season, all-seasons. Leadership is a lifestyle and needs to become part of our players lives.  It's not something they can just...

That’s All It Costs?

That’s All It Costs?

Only $99? That's crazy. "Wasn't it like $350 a team before," you may be thinking You are right. We decided to transition our product from a $349 a season price to a $99 a year all-access program. We did this for a couple reasons: Over the past 3-years, we've had...

Paint the Picture

Paint the Picture

Coaches fully understand when the leader improves, everybody wins. But how many players do? One of the best things about investing in leadership development is the multiplying effect it has. Individuals, teams, programs, schools, and communities all benefit when...

The More You Pour Into Your Players, The More They Have To Give

The More You Pour Into Your Players, The More They Have To Give

"What's down in the well, comes up in the bucket." We're sure you've heard this countless times, but it's one of those great quotes which we need continual reminders of. The Naval Seals have a saying, "You don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your...

Leading By Example Is Not Enough

Leading By Example Is Not Enough

When thinking of the characteristics which define leadership one of the top responses is always, "leading by example." We've all heard this phrase for as long as we can remember. Does it have merit? Yes...but it can't be the only thing required or expected of the...

Better People Make Better Athletes

Better People Make Better Athletes

Oftentimes the emphasis in youth and high school sports is placed on talent level alone. Adults get too caught up in the things which matter least in the long run. When we pause to reflect on what's most important, we should consider the following: How many great...

Leadership is a Lifestyle

Leadership is a Lifestyle

What do great leaders do more than anyone else? Great leaders live a leadership lifestyle by leading all the time. More than anything else, great leaders are consistent. Leadership affects our everyday interactions and experiences. As leaders, everything we say and do...

Make Leadership The New Cool

Make Leadership The New Cool

Is leadership cool? We absolutely believe so! Many times leadership isn't viewed as cool, but when we stop and reflect on the best athletes and coaches in the world, the vast majority of them exhibit tremendous leadership ability. It's time we address the coolness of...

Leadership Needs Reps

Leadership Needs Reps

Are we born strong? Are we born with the ability to lift a ton of weight or run great distances? Of course not.  The best athletes in the world have to consistently workout, practice, and get their reps. Why should leadership be any different? Too often we hear...

When The Leader Improves, Everybody Wins!

When The Leader Improves, Everybody Wins!

One of our guiding principles at Lead 'Em Up is when the leader improves, everybody wins. We believe in it so much, it's one of the foundational blocks of Lead 'Em Up. In everything we do, we strive to improve the leader. When the leader improves they become an...