Spotlight: South River

Spotlight: South River

South River High School leads Anne Arundel County by integrating Lead ‘Em Up into their Athletic Program, enhancing team culture and leadership.

Our First Online Sale

Our First Online Sale

August 10th 2015, we officially released our online program available for annual purchase and to our delight, shortly after we released it, we got an email notification of our first purchase.

5 Years – 5 Wishes

5 Years – 5 Wishes

Are you a friend of Lead 'Em Up?  Hmm... I think so, how do I know for sure? Here's how you know for sure: if you support Lead 'Em Up in any of the following ways:  1) being an online member, 2) having gone through Lead 'Em Up sessions, 3) following us on social media...

What You Can’t See

What You Can’t See

It takes great teammates who lead and who know how to be led at the same time, to achieve success. Sports are very special because they parallel real life. Without special teammates and leadership, you cannot reach your own or team’s full potential.

Success is truly all about the TEAM.

The Top 10 Most Popular Lead ‘Em Up Exercises

The Top 10 Most Popular Lead ‘Em Up Exercises

We pride ourselves on our unique curriculum which reaches athletes where they’re at, teaches them how they learn, and is filled with themes which are memorable and portable.

While it’s hard to narrow down which exercises are the best, we compiled a list of the 10 most popular Lead ‘Em Up exercises.

The Corner, Featuring Grace Jones

The Corner, Featuring Grace Jones

Improving as a leader also improved my drive to become a better athlete. I trained harder and started seeing the bigger picture. I not only wanted to be a better player for myself, but for my team as well.

More Is Needed

More Is Needed

Leading by example is the absolute bare minimum requirement to being an effective leader. The best leaders do so much more.

The Corner, Featuring Katie Robinson

The Corner, Featuring Katie Robinson

Improving as a leader has transitioned me from an individual centered mindset to team mindset. I have a much better understanding of the value of being a member of a team. Being a part of a team has taught me the importance of everyone working together to accomplish a common goal.

Let Your Body Do The Talking

Let Your Body Do The Talking

We all communicate through one universal language, body language; and when we control it, we’re in control of how others view us.

Your At-Home Performance Program

Your At-Home Performance Program

With schools and gyms closed, coaches and athletes are looking for ways to maintain and increase their level of fitness. This training series provides coaches and athletes exactly what they need during this stay at home period.

Virtual Team Sessions

Virtual Team Sessions

Looking to stay connected despite not being together in-person? Take advantage of our dynamic 45-minute Lead ‘Em Up team sessions. These unique, interactive leadership sessions will keep your team connected and growing.

Introducing: Lead ‘Em Up Wallpapers

Introducing: Lead ‘Em Up Wallpapers

Leadership affects our every day interactions and experiences. As leaders, everything we say and do has an impact. When leaders embrace the leadership lifestyle they show up the same way in the classroom, on the court, at home, at the office, and in public. 96 Times A...

The Green 13

The Green 13

Welcome to the Green 13 We had close to 10K athletes go through Lead 'Em Up Live Training last year and in each of those instances we share our message of athletes needing to be "Green." For simplification purposes, green represents "money", which is a synonym in...

Compounding Leadership

Compounding Leadership

A true developmental win in your program looks like this: the leadership habits you’ve committed to teaching today, would compound for years to come. A true win is possible and we are collectively in this together.

Redefining Leadership

Redefining Leadership

Leadership is all around us. We know this, or at least we think we do. We think we recognize it when we see it or hear it. The TV cameras readily recognize the emotional player on the sidelines rallying their teammates with an impassioned speech. We attribute...