Spotlight: Mary McDowell Friends School

Spotlight: Mary McDowell Friends School

Leadership isn’t something you sit back and watch go by, it’s something that requires you to get up and act. That is what Mary McDowell Friends School(MMFS) in Brooklyn, NY is reminding their student-athletes.

2022 Green 13 Nominations

2022 Green 13 Nominations

Green 13 is back and bigger than ever. Two years ago we introduced our national Green 13 Program; a celebration of 13 students/athletes across the country who best represent what it means to be "GREEN". Previous Green 13 Recipients Year 1 Recipients Year 2 Recipients...

M-P-S Filter

M-P-S Filter

From the beginning of Lead ‘Em Up we have been committed to building a curriculum that engages young people in a way that leaves them wanting to engage more. Could we build a leadership curriculum that young people viewed as something they “get to do” rather than...

Lead ‘Em Up Classroom Informational Webinar

Lead ‘Em Up Classroom Informational Webinar

Have you been trying to find a way to bring Social Emotional Learning(SEL) to your school or program in a way that is fun and impactful for your students? It would be great if you could join us for a webinar where we will cover the basics of the Lead 'Em Up classroom...

We Call it Classroom Coaching

We Call it Classroom Coaching

Classroom Coaching:  When you pull your players off the field for 30-45 mins a week, step into a classroom-type environment, to slow down, reset and focus on growing as individuals and a team. What happens during these moments of Classroom Coaching becomes...

Masks and Standards

Masks and Standards

How does a team that requires everyone to live to a standard eventually get to the point where no one is living according to it at all?  It happens little by little, one person at a time, with everyone slowing following suit.

If you don’t want your team to slip, you better fight every day to hold the standard, or you’ll slowly see the standard disappear.

The Top 10 Pain Points Coaches Experience

The Top 10 Pain Points Coaches Experience

At Lead ‘Em Up we are privileged to work with great coaches all across the globe in all sports. Our heart and mission is to make the life of the coach easier by helping them build the leaders needed to win. In an effort to do that, we are constantly asking questions and seeking feedback from the coaches themselves.

Through this process we’ve identified the top 10 pain points the majority of coaches experience.

3 Ways to Fight for Your Green Team

3 Ways to Fight for Your Green Team

A Green Team is built upon athletes who show up special. They are money when it comes to their character, leadership, and ability to make others around them better. The goal is to get as many players living in the green so the team can perform at its highest level.

The Power of Classroom Coaching

The Power of Classroom Coaching

Have you attempted or wanted to teach life skills to your athletes? If you’re like most coaches the answer is, absolutely.

Once athletes start experiencing growth, they want more of it.  So when the team begins to grow in the classroom together, the athletes will want more of it, making leadership development more sought after by the players.

The 2021 Green 13

The 2021 Green 13

The Green13 award is handed out to 13 athletes who’ve represented what it means to be “green.” Coaches nominate their athletes, the Lead ‘Em Up team goes through our voting/selection process and we land on the top-13.

And each winner gets FREE Chick-Fil-A for a YEAR.

Lead ‘Em Up Classroom is Here

Lead ‘Em Up Classroom is Here

We are thrilled to share some very exciting news with you... Lead 'Em Up is now teacher tested and student approved! During the past year we've been piloting our classroom curriculum with four schools across North America. We've received tremendous feedback from...

2022 Green 13 Nominations

2021 Green 13 Nominations

Green 13 is back and bigger than ever. Last year we introduced our Green 13 program: 13 athletes who represented what it means to be "green" as we announced the original 13 recipients of this highly respected and coveted award. (Click here to see the original Green 13...

Lead ‘Em Up Athletic Program Roll Out

Lead ‘Em Up Athletic Program Roll Out

It’s our mission to get Lead ‘Em Up to as many schools and athletic programs across the world as possible.

When working with an athletic program there are typically three ways in which Lead ‘Em Up gets rolled-out Athletic Program wide

Are You Asking Your Leaders This?

Are You Asking Your Leaders This?

In sports, and in life, we will all be a follower at some point and actively participate in the role of a ‘follower’. And in most cases, we will be in that role more often than that of leadership.

So, why not learn to excel as both a leader and a follower?

5 Biggest Moments in Lead ‘Em Up

5 Biggest Moments in Lead ‘Em Up

Take a look back at the 5 biggest moments in Lead ‘Em Up. What a great run these 5-years. We have more growing to do and more impact to make.

Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

The players began taking this team and leading it to another level. The run we made the last few weeks of the season, throughout the playoffs, on our way to a Regional Championship and finally ending up at Xfinity Center for the State Tournament, was absolutely incredible.