The Power of Classroom Coaching

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The Power of Classroom Coaching

Have you attempted or wanted to teach life skills to your athletes? If you’re like most coaches the answer is, absolutely.

Once athletes start experiencing growth, they want more of it.  So when the team begins to grow in the classroom together, the athletes will want more of it, making leadership development more sought after by the players.

Many coaches struggle with finding the right amount of time, the resources needed, or why it will make a difference. In our recent podcast, Classroom Coaching with Sean Dooley and Eric Sutz, both coaches shared how early in their career they did not engage in classroom coaching. Coach Dooley and Sutz now believe that was a mistake and share in the episode what caused their mindset to shift.

Check out this powerful Lead ‘Em Up Podcast Episode here.

The episode contains eight key reasons why classroom coaching impact your team at a high level. They include:

  • Why the message sticks more when delivered in the classroom
  • How classroom coaching is more intentional
  • The power of reset
  • Why parents love it
  • How it improves relationships with ALL players
  • Why player mentorship increases
  • How your team will become more connected
  • Providing program stability

We believe in there is tremendous value in classroom coaching and we have witnessed countless times the transformation players make when provided with intentional classroom coaching.

Our team has received countless testimonies from coaches who observe a higher level of enthusiasm from players after classroom sessions. We would love to highlight and feature the coaching you are doing in the classroom. Tag us in your posts with #classroomcoaching and we’ll share the great work you’re doing on our social pages!

At Lead ‘Em Up we believe leadership is a skill, and like any skill it can be developed. However, skills need reps and that is exactly what intentional classroom sessions provide.

When the leader improves, everybody wins.

We want to provide you a tool to keep your players engaged, growing as leaders and continuing to feel connected to their team/teammates; The 21-Day Leadership Playbook. 

This FREE 21-Day Leadership Playbook is filled with various Lead ‘Em Up exercises, uniquely modified for players to do on their own, as part of a team-wide exercise.

Download your free copy right here! 

Have fun and #LeadEmUp

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