Enthusiasm Building Exercises

A team’s enthusiasm can be an incredible competitive advantage for them. When players show up each day with high levels of enthusiasm they compete better. Increasing a single player's enthusiasm can be infectious to the rest of the team. This will help all players enjoy their experience more. Increasing enthusiasm is one of the key steps to becoming better players.

Get access to all of these, and many more exercises, within our Coaches Membership.



A quick exercise to establish a new standard for clapping within your team. Clapping has the ability to drive engagement, increase enthusiasm and enhance celebrations; the 9-clap will give your team the tool to accomplish it.

Mixing Board

Mixing Board

In order to be your best, you need to show up your best. During the Mixing Board exercise your athletes will learn the skill to adjust the volumes of their energy and focus to create the perfect balance between the two.



This exercise is all about celebrating others. Get your students out of their comfort zone and celebrate others. Leading from a position of celebrating others is key in getting the most out of others.

Mixing Board

Mixing Board

In order to be your best, you need to show up your best. During the Mixing Board exercise your students will learn the skill to adjust the volumes of their energy & focus to create the perfect balance between the two.

First Like

First Like

First Like creates an environment that builds confidence in the leader and leverages the leader’s leadership to another level. The most important person to a leader is their first follower, without them, there’s nothing. This exercise encourages teammates to become the leader’s First Like.

Thank the Passer

Thank the Passer

Thank The Passer exercise helps improve the performance of the follower which in turn creates more effective leaders. Thank The Passer creates an environment where the leader becomes encouraged to lead more often and confidently.

Free Leadership Exercise

Try out our Going for the Gold exercise with your team, other Coaches, or anyone to experience Lead ‘Em Up for yourself.

Go for the Gold
Beat The Coach

Beat The Coach

This exercise has been called a “coach’s best friend” as leadership moments in practice get passed onto the players in an attempt to “beat the coach.” Players compete to step up and exhibit the leadership skills needed to win.

Word Pop

Word Pop

A player-favorite exercise; this team-based competition will require your players to lock in, think quick on their “tip-toes” and work as a team to move on-to the next round and compete for the championship.

Movie Script

Movie Script

A spirited team exercise getting your players to understand the connection between preparing and performing while recognizing the need to be a star in your role

Hype Battle

Hype Battle

An intense and fun exercise pairing your players off to compete in a bracket-style competition working to out-perform each other in a unique, celebratory Hype Battle. You’ve got to experience it to understand it. Your players will love it.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Every successful team is filled with people who breathe life into each other and help produce a better environment. Your players will sign-up for various responsibilities they need to fulfill throughout the week helping create the best environment to win

Enthusiastic Captains

Enthusiastic Captains

This exercise takes place during practice. Your players will enjoy the enthusiasm competition and learn the power within to flip the switch and bring higher levels of enthusiasm in all they do.



A quick exercise to establish a new standard for clapping within your team. Clapping has the ability to drive engagement, increase enthusiasm and enhance celebrations; the 9-clap will give your team the tool to accomplish it.