5-7 Minutes

Read Receipts

Read Receipts

During communication, we have a responsibility as the receiver to make sure the sender knows their message was delivered & received. Oftentimes we don’t perform well giving a confirmation back. Read Receipts changes all of that.

Touch Points

Touch Points

As we build teams with the hope of coming together as “one,” connectivity is an essential component. Touchpoints will create a daily momentum helping connect your team greater than before.

Jersey Rep’

Jersey Rep’

The Jersey Rep exercise is done at the end of every season by those moving on to assure those coming up behind them carry on the love and traditions of the program. This has been called the “ultimate program building” exercise.

Beat The Coach

Beat The Coach

This exercise has been called a “coach’s best friend” as leadership moments in practice get passed onto the players in an attempt to “beat the coach.” Players compete to step up and exhibit the leadership skills needed to win.

Slippery Stone

Slippery Stone

This exercise takes place in the first half of your season and then referenced throughout the remainder of the season. Your players will develop an understanding for the need to give it all they have every single day and take advantage of every moment.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Every successful team is filled with people who breathe life into each other and help produce a better environment. Your players will sign-up for various responsibilities they need to fulfill throughout the week helping create the best environment to win