High School

Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

Our First Lead ‘Em Up Team

The players began taking this team and leading it to another level. The run we made the last few weeks of the season, throughout the playoffs, on our way to a Regional Championship and finally ending up at Xfinity Center for the State Tournament, was absolutely incredible.

The Corner, Featuring Grace Jones

The Corner, Featuring Grace Jones

Improving as a leader also improved my drive to become a better athlete. I trained harder and started seeing the bigger picture. I not only wanted to be a better player for myself, but for my team as well.

More Is Needed

More Is Needed

Leading by example is the absolute bare minimum requirement to being an effective leader. The best leaders do so much more.

The Corner, Featuring Katie Robinson

The Corner, Featuring Katie Robinson

Improving as a leader has transitioned me from an individual centered mindset to team mindset. I have a much better understanding of the value of being a member of a team. Being a part of a team has taught me the importance of everyone working together to accomplish a common goal.

Your At-Home Performance Program

Your At-Home Performance Program

With schools and gyms closed, coaches and athletes are looking for ways to maintain and increase their level of fitness. This training series provides coaches and athletes exactly what they need during this stay at home period.

The Green 13

The Green 13

Welcome to the Green 13 We had close to 10K athletes go through Lead 'Em Up Live Training last year and in each of those instances we share our message of athletes needing to be "Green." For simplification purposes, green represents "money", which is a synonym in...

5 Ways to Create a Culture of Feedback

5 Ways to Create a Culture of Feedback

Feedback is an endless loop that can cause your team & relationships to break or thrive. By utilizing these five strategies and our curriculum at Lead ‘Em Up, you can give and teach your teams to give and receive great feedback to help develop the leaders needed to win.

Player Spotlight: Jao Ituka

Player Spotlight: Jao Ituka

As part of our effort to bring maximum value to players and coaches, Lead 'Em Up will begin sharing a montly player and program spotlight. We believe some of the best learning takes place from our peers. Think about it, some of the best stuff you get at coaching...

In-Season, Off-Season, All-Seasons

In-Season, Off-Season, All-Seasons

We often get asked by coaches when they should do the Lead 'Em Up exercises with their teams.  Our answer is always the same: in-season, off-season, all-seasons. Leadership is a lifestyle and needs to become part of our players lives.  It's not something they can just...

Leading By Example Is Not Enough

Leading By Example Is Not Enough

When thinking of the characteristics which define leadership one of the top responses is always, "leading by example." We've all heard this phrase for as long as we can remember. Does it have merit? Yes...but it can't be the only thing required or expected of the...

Better People Make Better Athletes

Better People Make Better Athletes

Oftentimes the emphasis in youth and high school sports is placed on talent level alone. Adults get too caught up in the things which matter least in the long run. When we pause to reflect on what's most important, we should consider the following: How many great...