Set the Table
Leadership is a daily thing. It’s not a once-a-week type thing. As much as brushing your teeth, putting on a deodorant and cleaning your face is something that is done everyday; same needs to happen for our leadership.
It’s essential we groom ourselves into the leader we desire to be, everyday. What part of your leadership isn’t “fresh” and could use getting cleaned up?
More players hurt their ability to lead others simply from their inability to consistently show up as a leader. They take too many days off and it diminishes their leadership credibility.
The Toiletry Bag is a reminder for our players to groom themselves everyday into the leaders needed to win.
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Lesson Plan
Player Growth Areas
Exercise Length
Language Guide
Toiletry Bag
The concept of grooming oneself every day into the leader one wishes to become.
Example Photos
Use the photos below as examples of Toiletry Bag
Exercise Reminder Card
To emphasize and reinforce the lessons learned in this exercise with your players, download and share this graphic with them 24 hours after completing the exercise.
Exercise Slides
Powerpoint slides ready for you to use
Quiz Questions
Use these questions below to engage after you have taught the exercise.
- Why do leaders need to groom themselves every day?
- People hurt their ability to lead others simply from their inability to _______.
- Why is it important as a leader to focus on your inner appearance?
At Home
Coaches, use the below question, reflection, and action to engage parents, guardians, and other family members in the lessons learned in this exercise.
Suggestions on how to use: Email to parents the day you have taught this lesson, add it to the materials you send home, or text it to text message threads with your players.
- Question: How does Toiletry Bag illustrate that leadership is a daily thing?
- Reflection: What part of your leadership could use some freshening up?
- Action: Share how you can improve the area of your leadership that needs improvement.
Coach’s Reflection
Coach, take a moment to reflect on the lesson and how you can lead by example to your players.