Set the Table
This may feel a bit morbid but the reality is we have a greater appreciation and higher level of intentionality in the present when we have the end in mind.
Leaders want to live with an understanding that today matters and the present is a gift. This season, this team, this moment won’t last forever and when we recognize that reality, we live greater in the moment.
The Slippery Stone exercise will encourage your players to live each day to the fullest. It’ll provide them a perspective allowing them to give all they have to each other and to the moment. No wasted days. No meaningless moments.
Leaders know every day counts and want to win every day.
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Lesson Plan
Exercise Reminder Card
To emphasize and reinforce the lessons learned in this exercise with your players, download and share this graphic with them 24 hours after completing the exercise.
Quiz Questions
Use these questions below to engage after you have taught the exercise.
- Why is it important to appreciate each day?
- What happens to our team when we don’t give our best as individuals?
- Leaders know that every day __________.
At Home
Coaches, use the below question, reflection, and action to engage parents, guardians, and other family members in the lessons learned in this exercise.
Suggestions on how to use: Email to parents the day you have taught this lesson, add it to the materials you send home, or text it to text message threads with your players.
- Question: How did Slippery Stone give you perspective not to waste any days and not have wasted moments?
- Reflection: Why do leaders take advantage of every day?
- Action: Share what you plan on doing to make the most out of every day left in the season
Coach’s Reflection
Coach, take a moment to reflect on the lesson and how you can lead by example to your players.