In order to be your best, you need to show up your best. During the Mixing Board exercise your athletes will learn the skill to adjust the volumes of their energy and focus to create the perfect balance between the two.
Confidence Building Exercises
Get access to all of these, and many more exercises, within our Coaches Membership.
This exercise is all about celebrating others. Get your students out of their comfort zone and celebrate others. Leading from a position of celebrating others is key in getting the most out of others.
Speed Mentoring
A dynamic exercise to get your experienced players into the role of a mentor; intentionally mentoring their inexperienced teammates. The exercise also increases the player’s ability to receive mentoring from their teammates.
Thought Train
Mixing Board
In order to be your best, you need to show up your best. During the Mixing Board exercise your students will learn the skill to adjust the volumes of their energy & focus to create the perfect balance between the two.
Software Update
Similar to software updates on our phones, we need “updates” to our IOS (Individual Operating System) as well. During the Software Update exercise we’ll work on identifying any “bugs” that need removing and layout an Update schedule to improve our own “IOS”.
Free Leadership Exercise
Try out our Going for the Gold exercise with your team, other Coaches, or anyone to experience Lead ‘Em Up for yourself.

How do we choose which messages will lead us in the right direction? As a healthy follower, we can’t follow everything. Our Detective exercise will teach players how to follow well and how to discern what is worthy to be followed.
First Like
First Like creates an environment that builds confidence in the leader and leverages the leader’s leadership to another level. The most important person to a leader is their first follower, without them, there’s nothing. This exercise encourages teammates to become the leader’s First Like.
Thank the Passer
Thank The Passer exercise helps improve the performance of the follower which in turn creates more effective leaders. Thank The Passer creates an environment where the leader becomes encouraged to lead more often and confidently.
5 & 2
The 5 & 2 exercise will help your players make greater impressions and enhance their interactions with others. The exercise encourages players to become more detail-oriented and recognize the importance of the “small things.”
Touch Points
As we build teams with the hope of coming together as “one,” connectivity is an essential component. Touchpoints will create a daily momentum helping connect your team greater than before.
Hype Battle
An intense and fun exercise pairing your players off to compete in a bracket-style competition working to out-perform each other in a unique, celebratory Hype Battle. You’ve got to experience it to understand it. Your players will love it.
Say Goodbye Today
Getting our players to express what they’re thinking and feeling can be a challenging task. In this unique exercise players will have the opportunity to express themselves to their coaches and teammates in a safe and fun environment
Me, We, You
An exercise to get your players more comfortable speaking in front of their teammates. The exercise will also create a culture of celebration as your players will begin getting in the habit of celebrating each other.
The Six
Each player will be assigned a leadership teammate for the season. Throughout the year the players will participate in various exercises with their teammate; experiencing the opportunity to mentor, develop and lead a specific teammate.
Green Awards
Green Awards will help your team on their quest to Be Green and Build Green. These three fun will reward your players and incorporate some elements of competition into the mix.