Building a Green Team requires focus, strategy, and a commitment to raising the standard. The Million Dollar Project exercise reinforces these values by challenging players to think creatively and intentionally about building a team with ALL greens and ZERO reds.
- Your players will explore the power of influence within a team, specifically how the grays sway and hold the key to team transformation. They will experience how focusing on the grays—rather than the Reds, can elevate the entire team and force the Reds to make a choice, move up or stand out.
- Through group collaboration, creative problem-solving, and engaging presentations, players will uncover the importance of ownership, intentionality, and teamwork in building a cohesive Green Team. They will learn that turning grays to green is the most effective way to eliminate red behaviors and establish a new, higher standard.
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Lesson Plan
Exercise Reminder Card
To emphasize and reinforce the lessons learned in this exercise with your players, download and share this graphic with them 24 hours after completing the exercise.
Quiz Questions
Use these questions below to engage after you have taught the exercise.
- What are the two main reasons Reds recruit others, and who do they typically target?
- Why is it important to focus on the Grays when building a Green Team?
- What happens to the Reds’ influence when the majority of Grays become Greens?
At Home
Coaches, use the below question, reflection, and action to engage parents, guardians, and other family members in the lessons learned in this exercise.
Suggestions on how to use: Email to parents the day you have taught this lesson, add it to the materials you send home, or text it to text message threads with your players.
- Question: Why is it important to focus on moving Grays to Green instead of trying to change Reds first?
- Reflection: Can you identify any “Grays” on your team? How might their energy and actions influence the group dynamics?
- Action: Identify one “Gray” person on your team and make a plan to positively influence them toward “Green.” Write down one specific action you will take tomorrow to encourage and inspire them.
Coach’s Reflection
Coach, take a moment to reflect on the lesson and how you can lead by example to your players.