Green 13 is back and bigger than ever.
Last year we introduced our Green 13 program: 13 athletes who represented what it means to be “green” as we announced the original 13 recipients of this highly respected and coveted award. (Click here to see the original Green 13 recipients)
In our foundational exercise The Green Team we teach the concept of needing to “be green” and “build green”. For simplification purposes, green represents “money”, which is a synonym in today’s vocabulary for “special.” We want athletes who have special character and leadership
The Green 13 is an effort to spotlight the athletes who stood out as special leaders with special character. We are looking to award 13 athletes for this years 2020/2021 Green 13 Award.
As part of Green 13 each athlete will be presented a Lead ‘Em Up Green Team pack with a special Green Team verification plaque as well as FREE CHICK-FIL-A FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR courtesy of our friends at Chick-Fil-A (Kayla Smith – Owner/Operator CFA – Germantown).
As Lead ‘Em Up continues to grow, it’s becoming more challenging to narrow down our list of Green 13 candidates, which is a great problem to have.
That’s where we need your help.
If you have an athlete (or two) you’d like to nominate for this years Green13 please fill out the form below. Please don’t share with the athlete you are nominating them so if they are selected, it will be a surprise to them.
Please fill out this nomination form for the athlete of your choosing.
We will collect nominations through May 2nd. Coaches will be notified of the winners chosen during the week of May 3-7th.
Interested in having Lead ‘Em Up work with your team? Email us at [email protected]
We want to provide you a tool to keep your players engaged, growing as leaders and continuing to feel connected to their team/teammates; The 21-Day Leadership Playbook.
Have fun and #LeadEmUp