Kim Hager Lead ‘Em Up Classroom’s Impact on Student Leadership

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Kim Hager Lead ‘Em Up Classroom’s Impact on Student Leadership

At Lead ‘Em Up, we empower educators to create meaningful and lasting impacts in their classrooms. We’re excited to spotlight the incredible work of Kim Hager from Howards Grove High School in Wisconsin. Kim is a dedicated teacher who has been utilizing the Lead ‘Em Up Classroom curriculum to inspire her students and build strong leadership skills. Through creative and engaging activities, Kim has created a dynamic learning environment where students are encouraged to connect, reflect, and grow as leaders.

Building Connections

One of Kim’s standout activities this year was a hexagonal thinking exercise designed to help students connect leadership concepts from class to personal interests. The activity began with the class watching a movie together, creating a shared experience and a common reference point for discussion. Following the movie, students participated in a hands-on hexagonal thinking exercise where they connected key concepts from the class to themes, characters, and events from the film.

By linking class concepts to the film, students could see the practical application of the leadership skills they were learning. Kim shared that the discussions were the most valuable part of the activity, providing a platform for students to explore and express their thoughts. This type of interactive learning encourages critical thinking and helps concepts stick, a core goal of the Lead ‘Em Up Classroom experience.

Creativity in Leadership

Another innovative approach Kim implemented was a student-made book project. This activity allowed students to express their creativity while reinforcing what they had learned throughout the course. Each student created their own book, filled with personal reflections, key takeaways, and creative interpretations of the leadership concepts discussed in class. The project culminated in a collection of hardcover books, funded by the PTO, serving as both a creative outlet and a tangible reminder of their leadership journey.

Kim emphasized how much the students enjoyed the creative aspect of this project. The ability to personalize their books made the activity more engaging, and it also allowed the students to take ownership of their learning. Customizable checklists provided by Kim helped the students stay focused and ensured that each book was a comprehensive reflection of their growth and understanding. This project exemplifies how creative expression can reinforce learning and leave a lasting impact.

Engaging Through Games

In addition to these innovative projects, Kim also highlighted the success of various leadership games she introduced to her classes. These games were an excellent tool for reinforcing lessons and building a sense of community.

The games provide a fun, interactive way for students to apply leadership principles in real time, fostering teamwork, communication, and critical thinking.

A Lasting Impact

Kim Hager’s creative approach to teaching leadership through the Lead ‘Em Up Classroom program is a shining example of how educators can make a profound impact on their students’ lives. By incorporating activities like hexagonal thinking, student-made books, and leadership games, Kim Hager has created a classroom environment where students are not only learning about leadership but are living it out in dynamic and meaningful ways.

Her efforts demonstrate that with the right tools and a bit of creativity, any classroom can become a breeding ground for future leaders. At Lead ‘Em Up, we are thrilled to see the transformative effects our program is having on students across the country and are proud to support incredible educators like Kim Hager who bring our curriculum to life.

Have fun and #LeadEmUp

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