SpotSeat will produce a win-win in our classrooms and on our teams. Getting out of our comfort zone to celebrate others is a great thing and something we need to embrace and facilitate. If celebrating others could become a common practice, our lives would become greater. And from the leadership position, leading from a position of celebrating others is key in getting the most out of others.
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Lesson Plan
Teaching Tip
Start out having individuals that are “easy” to celebrate in the SpotSeat. This will allow individuals to get a better/easier feel for the exercise and get them comfortable celebrating each other.
If individuals struggle thinking of things to celebrate, use that as a teachable moment.
As leaders, we should be continuously looking for the good within those around us and taking note. When asked to celebrate others the response should shift from “hmm… let me think” to “where do I start?”
Run SpotSeat as often as you’d like and allow it to become a common part of your celebration routines.
Note: if you have a big group you can have multiple people in the SpotSeat each time. Or you can run the SpotSeat only for the upperclassmen, or only the Seniors. We’ll let you determine how you want to facilitate this portion.
Celebration is key. It oftentimes unlocks greatness.
Player Growth Areas
Exercise Length
Exercise Reminder Card
To emphasize and reinforce the lessons learned in this exercise with your players, download and share this graphic with them 24 hours after completing the exercise.
At Home
Coaches, use the below question, reflection, and action to engage parents, guardians, and other family members in the lessons learned in this exercise.
Suggestions on how to use: Email to parents the day you have taught this lesson, add it to the materials you send home, or text it to text message threads with your players.
- Question: Why is it important to celebrate team members through the Spot Seat?
- Reflection: How do you win by celebrating others?
- Action: Go around the room with everyone in your home and have each person do a “Spot Seat” round. Do rapid-fire and go around the room and give everyone a chance to celebrate.
Coach’s Reflection
Coach, take a moment to reflect on the lesson and how you can lead by example to your players.