2023 Green 13 Recipients

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2023 Green 13 Recipients

Welcome to the 2023 Lead ‘Em Up Green 13 Awards. Every year we celebrate the extraordinary efforts of young leaders. These individuals have shown exceptional leadership and character both on and off the field. Within Lead ‘Em Up, “Green,” is synonymous with being special.

During this past year, close to 40,000 students and athletes experienced the power of Lead ‘Em Up. With a Lead ‘Em Up membership, coaches and teachers are eligible to nominate their top leaders for our annual Green 13 Award.

We received the most Green 13 nominations ever this year. Coaches and teachers from around the country sent in nominations for deserving students and athletes. After careful consideration, we identified 13 outstanding individuals who stood out as being 100% Green. These individuals stood out, not just during the season, but throughout the year.

As part of the Green 13, each winner will receive a Lead ‘Em Up swag pack with a special Green Team verification check-mark, and an incredible prize of FREE CHICK-FIL-A FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, courtesy of our friends at Chick-Fil-A. This is the fourth year of the Green 13 Awards, and we are proud to say that this year’s winners are among the most deserving yet, making this award all the more prestigious.

2023 Green 13 Recipients

Gavin Trent

Gavin Trent

Senior Lincoln High School Basketball

Gavin Trent is a remarkable athlete and leader. He has earned the admiration of his coaches, teammates, and community. His dedication, verbal leadership, and support for others have made him a reliable presence on and off the field. Gavin’s exceptional leadership qualities were consistently evident. One example would be when he organized a toy drive for the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. Gavin spoke to the crowd that night, promoting the event and thanking everyone for giving to such a worthy cause. Gavin’s motivation to give back to his community stems from his personal experience with health issues as a child. He has overcome those challenges to become a successful three-sport athlete. Gavin will continue his football career in college.

What sets Gavin apart from other leaders on his team is his enthusiasm for competition. His enthusiasm is on a different level than most of his teammates and competitors. Despite being undersized on the basketball court, he was a force. Gavin took numerous charges and put his body on the line throughout games and practices. Gavin’s graciousness, competitiveness, and dedication to his craft make him an exceptional athlete and leader. He is most deserving of the Green13 award. He not only leads by example but is also a vocal leader. Gavin took on leadership roles in Golden Eagle Industries. He was a captain of three different sports. Gavin was also a favorite elementary school book reader on Friday mornings. Gavin’s determination to overcome health challenges and achieve success is truly inspiring. His coaches and teammates can’t wait to see what he will accomplish in college.

Thomas Richter

Thomas Richter

Senior Rice Lake School Basketball

Thomas Richter is an exceptional leader. H sets high expectations for himself and his teammates. Thomas is responsible and accountable. He takes ownership of his actions, encouraging his teammates to do the same. Thomas is a natural leader, unafraid to make difficult decisions when necessary. He always works to ensure everyone meets those standards. As a senior, Thomas applied the lessons he learned from Lead ‘Em Up. He was a strong advocate for his team’s Green Standards and consistently demonstrated them. Thomas understands what it means to be a green leader. He understands what it takes to keep oneself green, and how to help others get back to green. He spent countless hours working on his leadership outside of games and practice. Thomas would often read leadership and mental training books. He worked with a mental game coach and started a mentorship program and is working on getting certified with Brian Cain’s program, the MPM Trained Athlete. Thomas was voted by his team for the past two years as the team’s Green Team Leader. This demonstrates his commitment to being a highly effective leader.

Thomas is an excellent communicator, always encouraging and motivating his teammates. He takes the time to listen to their thoughts and opinions. Thomas provides helpful feedback that promotes growth and development. He has helped create an environment where everyone can learn and improve. Thomas is also an excellent role model. He displays a strong work ethic and positive attitude. Thomas exudes positivity in every practice and game. He always treats everyone he interacts with respectfully. Thomas’s dedication to helping his teammates succeed is a testament to being a Green 13 leader. Thomas creates an environment where everyone can learn and improve. Thomas’s dedication to excellence makes him a deserving recipient of the Green13 Award.

Nadeen Jemaa

Nadeem Jemma

Senior Lourdes University Basketball

Nadeen Jemma is an exceptional athlete who stands out as a leader among her teammates. She is loved and respected by all those who know her and always shows up for her teammates, both on and off the court. Nadeen has embraced her team’s Green Standards and worked hard to become a better communicator and leader in the locker room. Nadeen is a leader whose positivity and selflessness make her an asset to any team. Her dedication to the game, her teammates, and life itself is infectious. She has the ability to live in the present moment. Nadeen supports others without expectation of anything in return. Nadeen is a Green Leader who stands out from others on the team due to her respectful and “get it done” attitude. She has balance in all aspects of her life, and has the ability to make any room better by being in it. Her commitment to leading with love and respect has made her a role model. She is a role model not just for her teammates, but for younger generations of women as well.

One of the standout moments in Nadeen’s leadership was her willingness to learn how to hold her teammates accountable. She was able to do this without putting them down or making them feel unliked. Nadeen sought advice on how to communicate more effectively. She researched specific lines to use when holding her teammates accountable. Nadeen’s selflessness and dedication to her teammates have made her a beloved member of the team. She has been named the WHAC Champions of Character Player of the Year for Women’s Basketball, Most Improved Player for her team, and has been recognized for her academic achievements, including being named to the WHAC All Academic Team. She was also recognized as a NAIA Scholar Athlete for two consecutive years. Nadeen is deserving of the Green13 Award for her leadership, positivity, and dedication to her teammates and community.

Ally Carillo

Ally Carillo

Senior Port Washington Softball

Ally Carillo is an outstanding leader both on and off the field. Her genuine care and concern for her teammates is admirable. Ally’s willingness to hold herself and her teammates accountable to the team standards is exceptional. Ally has the ability to understand her teammates’ needs and adjust her approach to meet them. She understands the importance of team standards and the impact that failing to uphold them can have on the entire team. When a teammate falls short, Ally takes it upon herself to speak with them. She helps them understand the importance of the standard and encourages them to improve. This approach not only helps her teammates grow but also strengthens the team as a whole. Ally’s ability to assess the needs of those around her is something that sets her apart from her peers. She is always one step ahead, thinking about what is needed before anyone else even realizes it. Her natural ability to read the room and adjust accordingly makes her an invaluable asset to any team.

As a three-sport varsity athlete, Ally has left a positive impact on each program she has been a part of. She raised the level of play and provided inspiration to her teammates. Her ability to balance Sugar and Salt with her teammates makes her an invaluable member of any team. For her exceptional leadership skills and unselfish approach to the game, Ally is deserving of the Green13 award. She is a role model not only for her teammates but for all athletes striving to be their best on and off the field.

Brionna Long

Brionna Long

Senior Riverview High School Basketball

Brionna Long is an exceptional athlete and leader both on and off the court. She has made a lasting impact on her team and school community. Brionna’s leadership style is centered around serving others. She is always stepping up to help in any way she can. Brionna’s selflessness has earned her the trust and admiration of those around her.

What sets Brionna apart as a Green leader is her ability to own up to her mistakes. She turns mistakes into valuable lessons. Despite facing personal challenges, she remains a positive force on and off the court. Brionna’s commitment to Green principles is evident in her daily actions. She has shown dedication to strength training and has unwavering positivity. Brionna goes out of her way to support her teammates. Her selflessness and positive attitude have made her the heart and soul of her team. She is loved by all her teammates and fellow students. Despite working early mornings to help support her family, Brionna never complained. She always gives 100% effort in practice and in the weight room. Her dedication has paid off, as she has transformed both physically and mentally. Brionna was the first on her team to get Green verified. She is a shining example of what it means to be Green. Brionna has left a lasting legacy at Riverview Raider Country in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her impact will be felt for years to come. It is clear that Brionna Long is a deserving recipient of the Green13 Award. She is a true inspiration to those around her.

Laken Day

Laken Day

Junior ARCA Track

Laken Day’s dedication to her team’s success is unwavering. She is a true leader both on and off the field. Laken exemplifies this through her actions. Laken’s commitment to the team’s success is evident in all that she does. Laken goes out of her way to ensure that every teammate has the necessary gear for competition. She even encouraged others to bring extra in case of a forgotten item. Her selfless nature motivates others to follow in her footsteps.

What sets Laken apart from other leaders on the team is her consistency. She demonstrates leadership in all aspects of her life. As a four-sport athlete on campus, Laken was selected captain by her peers and coaches. She has taken on leadership roles in various team activities. Laken has worked club tournaments and volunteered at middle school track meets. Her dedication to her team is unmatched. She attends all leadership meetings and mentors younger teammates to become leaders. Laken is commitment to her team’s success. Her unwavering support of others makes her a standout athlete. She is a deserving recipient of the Green13 Award.

Hailey Anderson

Hailey Anderson

Junior St. Josephs College of Maine Basketball

Hailey Anderson embodies green leadership on and off the court. She is a remarkable student-athlete. Hailey began the season as a starter, having worked hard in the off-season to secure the position. However, in December, just before conference play began, the coaching staff made a lineup change. Hailey was replaced as a starter with a freshman. Despite being upset and feeling “demoted,” Hailey never let her personal disappointment affect the team. She remained the most supportive member of the bench. Hailey went out of her way to provide support to her teammates and prepare for her new role. Her grace and selflessness in handling the demotion impressed her coach. He noted that in his ten years of coaching, he had never seen a player handle a situation with more grace and leadership.

Hailey’s teammates and coaching staff recognize her as the best leader on the team. This is due to her unwavering support and willingness to do whatever it takes to win. Hailey maintains a near-perfect academic record. She serves as a student tutor and was named to the College Sports Communicators Academic All-District team. Hailey was named to the Delta Epsilon Sigma National Honor Society. Hailey’s exemplary leadership on and off the court makes her deserving of the Green13 Award.

Chris Pickering

Chris Pickering

Kelly Walsh High School Football

Chris Pickering showed tremendous courage and dedication toward leading his team. He was an All-Conference and Shrine Bowl All-Star selection. Chris was also the clear player-leader of his football team during his senior year. Chris demonstrated a willingness to step up and be vocal with his peers. He encouraged them to grow and improve. Chris was always seeking feedback, both physically and leadership-wise. He worked every day to improve himself and help his team achieve success.

What makes Chris stand out is his strong work ethic and self-determination. He worked hard to improve his skills and encouraged his teammates to do the same. While he certainly met and exceeded the standards in their program. Chris went above and beyond to help grow the team by encouraging others to be better. Chris was willing to step up and be vocal with his peers. Chris took the initiative to organize weeknight throwing sessions on the practice fields. He would text coaches to turn on the field lights. Chris also organized off-season lifting sessions. He was always the first to get in extra snaps before practice or stay after in the weight room. His leadership style was more than leading by example. He actively helped others to improve and grow. Chris set up the program and culture to be better after he graduates, which is the true test of a leader. Chris is deserving of the Green13 award. His leadership and dedication will continue to inspire others to be their best.

Jenna Evans

Jenna Evans

Liberty High School Lacrosse

Jenna Evans embodies positivity, determination, and a strong work ethic. Her leadership skills were showcased during a game where the team won by a narrow margin. Jenna stepped up and addressed the team. She emphasized the importance of unity and support for one another. Her ability to relate well to her teammates and willingness to assist anyone at any time sets her apart as a Green leader.

Despite her small stature, Jenna has an unwavering dedication to winning. She gives her all in every practice and game. Her consistency over the past four years has made her deserving of the Green13 Award. Jenna leads by example and encourages her teammates to be their best. Jenna’s leadership has earned the respect and admiration of those around her. Jenna’s outstanding character on and off the field makes her an excellent role model for aspiring athletes. She is a winner and a valuable asset to any team. Jenna Evans is most deserving of the Green 13 Award.

Zach Anderson

Zach Anderson

Quince Orchard High School Football

Zach Anderson is a selfless and passionate leader. He inspires his teammates to give their all in every game. Despite his soft-spoken nature, Zach leads by example. He is always lending a helping hand to others. Zach holds himself to the same high standards he sets for his teammates. He motivates his team to treat every game as if it’s their last, defying all odds and expectations. Zach’s positive outlook and unwavering dedication make him a standout leader. His leadership resonates with all who know him.

Zach’s unique approach to leadership sets him apart from others. He embraces conflict with uncontested positive regard, encouraging others to do the same. He believes that failure is not an option, and if one puts in the effort and gives 100%, success is inevitable. Zach’s exceptional leadership skills make him a deserving candidate for the Green13 Award. Zach has an infectious enthusiasm and an unrelenting work ethic. He will inspire countless others to pursue their dreams and achieve greatness.

Sam Mills

Sam Mills

Port Washington Volleyball/Basketball

Sam Mills is an outstanding young man who has been a driving force for his team. His positive energy and strong communication have been instrumental to his team’s success. Despite playing behind two sophomores (and only seeing game action during blowouts) Sam never showed up for practice or games without giving 100% effort. Sam has come a long way. He has an admirable ability to show up green every day without getting the reward of playing time.

What sets Sam apart from other leaders on the team is his selflessness and positive attitude. He constantly praised and supported his underclassmen teammates. Sam gave them helpful tips and reminders on both offense and defense. His attitude and energy were so impactful that his coach even paused a practice to praise him for it. During one of his team’s final playoff games, Sam stepped up and lifted the spirits of his teammates. He never let his individual accomplishments take precedence over team success. Sam’s character shines through every day. He genuinely cares about the people around him. He is a special person who deserves recognition for his exceptional leadership skills. Sam has had a remarkable impact on his team. His consistency and dedication to being a positive influence on and off the court make him deserving of the Green13 Award.

Kevin Clohosy

Kevin Clohosy

Hood College Lacrosse

Kevin Clohosy has been an exceptional motivator and proud leader throughout his career. His presence is a testament to his unwavering positivity and team-first mentality. He always puts the team before himself, making him a valuable asset to any team he plays for. What sets Kevin apart from other leaders on the team is his ability to connect with all his peers. He takes the time to get to know his teammates, which enables him to better serve them throughout the season.

Kevin never has an off day and is always working hard to push the team and his peers forward on and off the field. It’s no surprise that he has emerged as one of the team captains this year. Kevin’s impact has been greater than most may see. His selflessness, mentorship, support, and guidance have helped guide his peers. Kevin is a teammate, captain, and friend that anyone would be proud to have. He is a true role model. His dedication to the team and his peers makes him more than deserving of the Green13 Award. His positive attitude and leadership are qualities that any team would be lucky to have.

Jacob White

Jacob White

Dakota Ridge High School

Jake has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities both on and off the field, especially during one of the most difficult times for his team. After the passing of one of his best friends and teammates, Jake stepped up to become an even bigger leader than he previously was. He led the team in prayer, gave team speeches, and spoke for the team at a charity basketball game in front of hundreds in attendance just two days after the tragedy. Jake also played a crucial role in helping the team deal with the tragedy by designing a banner for the field, T-shirts for the student body, and stickers for the team and other students to memorialize his friend.

Jake’s leadership qualities go beyond his exceptional performance during challenging times. He is a kind, respectful, and talented athlete who is highly respected by the staff and entire student body. His ability to make people laugh and understand their struggles has made him a positive vocal leader for the team. Jake is never too high or too low for any situation and understands the bigger picture of why they play high school sports. His performance on the field has also been noteworthy, as he has maintained his high level of play as his team’s number one pitcher and three-hole hitter, helping the team win games while dealing with the events of the past few months. It is clear that Jake is an outstanding young man of faith and moral character, and is highly deserving of the Green13 award for his exceptional leadership qualities both on and off the field.

Honorable Mentions

We are thrilled to share our list of deserving Honorable Mentions. These individuals have exemplified great leadership all year and make our “Top 50 Leaders” leaders in the country list:

Riley Mattiesen | Liberty High School

Brandon LaChapelle | Walter Johnson High School

Kendall Johnson | Quince Orchard High School

Camille Thomas | Quince Orchard High School

Sayyid Jalloh | Northwest High School

Iverson Agyel | Quince Orchard High School

Hannah Dueker | Carterville High School

Andy Johnson | Carterville High School

Luke McLellan | Air Academy High School

Rogan Brooks | Seahawks Lacrosse Club

Addelyn Prall | Jackson Creek Middle School

Andrew Osmun | Spring Grove High School

John Campbell | Bishop McGuiness High School

Luke Odgers | Howard Community College

Zack Mantz | Winston Churchill High School

Trevor Fuller | Dakota Ridge High School

Jacob Fles | St. Josephs College of Maine

Mason Lovig | Geneseo High School

Nick Crispin | Des Moines North

Lucas Milgrim | Port Washington

EJ Dawson | Cornell High School

Matteo Netto | Mary McDowell Friends School

Lauren Marmo | Carrollton High School

Madelyn Harrison | National Trail High School

Taylor Martinez | Texas Lonestar

Izellah Diaz Luminos | Volleyball Academy

Adrianna Medina | Texas Lonestar

Jarrod Demange | Greenville High School

Jahmick Eaddy | Mastery Charter

Danielle Mauhar | West Allis Central High School

Jolan Malolos | Arlington High School

Jordan Smith | Franklin High School

Jayanah Nuckols | Caverna High School

Abby Reiger | Francis Scott Key

Ally Malone | Gibson Southern

Kylie Turley | Journey Elementary

Carter Briddell | North Point High School

Mikhail Seiken | Montgomery Blair High School

Chris Hayes | Nansemond River High School

Mattheiu Longa | Quince Orchard High School

Lily Sweetney | Quince Orchard High School

Jacques Petnga | Paint Branch High School

Justine Dorelas | Emmanuel College

Tattin Griffin | White River Valley High School

Maya Rounds | Sesser-Valley High School

Genevieve Carlton | Maverick Dance Alliance

Bryan McCleary | Wheatley School

Amelia Winter | Quince Orchard High School

Tessa Stahnke | Air Academy High School

Blakely Johnson | Benton High School

Elizabeth Winter | Quince Orchard High School

Joey Lutz | Damascus High School

Peter Mangan | Damascus High School

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