As we enter into year three of Lead ‘Em Up momentum has been generated and a foundation has been laid over the first two years.

At this point, it’s essential we keep building and avoid any slippage. When it comes to slippage, all teams have the potential to slip and unfortunately, teams never slip toward excellence, they slip away from it.

We’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen which is why year three’s theme is ZERO SLIPPAGE.

The standards have been set so now they need to be held.

Zero Slippage Exercise List

As you jump into the year three exercises we encourage coaches to add a little more energy and intensity to their teaching as the team now has full familiarity with Lead ‘Em Up.

Lead 'Em Up Year 3 - Zero Slippage


Green Team kickoff as you strengthen the team’s understanding of the 7 rules, make updates to the Green Standards, and get everyone excited for this year’s Green Awards.
Green Team
Player Commitments
Green Awards


 (NEW) The Intensity Spectrum will reshape how your players show up each day and will recognize a new grading scale to help assure there will be ZERO SLIPPAGE.
Intensity Spectrum Logo


The need for Lifeguards and having each other back with the “6” has never been more important than it is this year to help us not slip.


The Six


Slippery Stone is a great exercise to help us understand the need to show up each day at a high level. We don’t have a lot of time.
Slippery Stone


Our annual refresher of Followership will be brought to life with a teaching around Thanking The Passer.
Thank The Passer


Are you ready to level up your practices and team accountability? When your players will help prevent any slippage when they tap into the Beat the Coach competition.
Beat the Coach


Deepen your relationships with our annual goldmining in the Go for the Gold exercise.
Go for the Gold


It’s time to make sure everyone is operating at their highest level, and activate an update through Software Update.
Software Update


What if teammates shared with each other the positive things NOW that most teammates wait until the end of the year to share, would it bring us closer? Of course it will. That is why you need to Say Goodbye Today.
Say Goodbye Today


Change how your players show up each day with our powerful Vitamin D exercise.
Vitamin D


Is the mental state of your team in a healthy spot? Enhance it with a trip on the Thought Train.
Thought Train - Logo


It’s time to end year three with some as we rollout the Enthusiastic Captains competition.
Enthusiastic Captains

Year three deepens your position with Lead ‘Em Up. At this point, your culture should be in a good place as you prepare for the next year. Congratulations on all the hard work up until this point. We celebrate you.

Continue to gauge your team’s growth through the Quick Score, see if your team is growing closer to our Lead ‘Em Up goals, and Spotlight any deserving players.


Green Team Scores will help you understand where your team is at on their leadership journey


#Goals give you clear markers to watch for in your players, helping you see if the lessons are sticking

Player Spotlight

Spotlight is your go-to for celebrating those standout “Green” players who are making a real impact

Year Three Shop

In addition to the materials you received in your verification kit for year three if you need more items for your team you can get them below. These are only available to members.


If you have any questions about the Year One Track please let us know. We are here to help make sure you and your team are as successful as possible.