Welcome to Year Two of Lead ‘Em Up.

In year one it’s all about introducing the concepts and setting the foundation. Year Two is time to go ALL-IN.

ALL-IN is the theme for year two.

Part of the process of going ALL-IN is completely shifting the relationship with “Grays” – which you will see as you teach Million Dollar Project and bring to life the ALL-IN theme during your second session.

Year two is transformational as you’ll see more momentum than ever within the program.

All-In Exercise List

Your year two tracks continue to reinforce the power themes of year one while introducing new exercises/activities.

Lead 'Em Up Year 1 - Be Green Build Green


Every year we continue to build on the Green Team. Continue reinforcing the 7-rules of the Green Team, re-establish your Green Standards, and get everyone ready to earn this year’s Green Awards.
Green Team
Player Commitments
Green Awards


(NEW) It’s time for the players to jump in the driver’s seat during the Million Dollar Project and propose a plan for how they will build a Green Team. Be prepared to reshape how your players view being “Gray” and the need for them to go ALL-IN.
Million Dollar Project Logo


Deepen the relationships on the team with new “6” partners and have some fun searching for Goldmines in Go for the Gold.

The Six
Go for the Gold


Everyone has a role on this team and a job to do and during the Movie Script exercise, you’ll bring those two themes to life.
Movie Script


Lifeguarding is the key to accountability. We never go a year without emphasizing the need for lifeguards on a team.


Let’s continue deepening the team connection as we engage in the S.T.O.R.Y. exercise and begin momentum around celebrating each other through Me-We-You.
Me We You


It’s to dial it up and have some fun, it’s Hype Battle time. Celebrating others will never feel the same after this one.


Off the heels of the fun in Hype Battle, it’s time to lock back in and make sure we’re sharp mentally with the Thought Train exercise.
Thought Train - Logo


Followership is a theme that needs to be reinforced every year. It’s that important. Have fun bringing it to life alongside the Detective exercise because not all voices are worth following.




Leadership and learning aren’t meant to be kept to ourselves, they are designed to be shared and they are shared through mentoring others. Speed Mentoring will be a dynamic sharing of learning and leadership.
Speed Mentoring


Continue your communication work with a repeat of Sugar & Salt and a player challenge for them to listen by giving Read Receipts.
Sugar and Salt
Read Receipts


It’s time to focus, lock in, have some fun and compete. Enjoy Word Pop, one of the player favorite year after year.
Word Pop

Year two is transformational as you’ll see more momentum than ever within the program. Get these concepts instilled in your players, enjoy the momentum, and continue having fun building your Green Team.

Continue to gauge your team’s growth through the Quick Score, see if your team is growing closer to our Lead ‘Em Up goals, and Spotlight any deserving players.


Green Team Scores will help you understand where your team is at on their leadership journey


#Goals give you clear markers to watch for in your players, helping you see if the lessons are sticking

Player Spotlight

Spotlight is your go-to for celebrating those standout “Green” players who are making a real impact

Year TWO Shop

In addition to the materials you received in your verification kit for year two if you need more items for your team you can get them below. These are only available to members.


If you have any questions about the Year One Track please let us know. We are here to help make sure you and your team are as successful as possible.