Hey Coach, year one is all about setting the leadership foundation for your team.
The theme of the first year is: Be Green, Build Green.
Keep that theme top of mind for you and your team as you go through year one.
Getting Started
There are two things you need to line up as you begin your membership:
- Set-up your kickoff call with a Lead ‘Em Up team member (you’ll be receiving an email from a Lead ‘Em Up team member within 24-48 hours after signing up). During the kickoff call you’ll be given all the tools and special instructions that will allow you to experience the greatest success with the program.
- Complete the Green Team Score and have your Green Team Score with you on on your Lead ‘Em Up kickoff call.
Get My Score
In the meantime, begin going through the exercise track below and start familiarizing yourself with all the exercises and resources.
Be Green Build Green Exercise List
Year one will produce incredible momentum for your athletes, your team and your program. Get these concepts instilled in your players, enjoy the momentum and have fun building your Green Team.
Below is the list of exercises that will get you started building your Green Team.
Congratulations on officially completing the rollout of the Green Team Framework. It’s time to continue the momentum and deepen the need to Be Green and Build Green.
Congratulations! You have now finished the followership series, …now that your team has the foundations of leadership, a shared set of values with green standards, and have started to embrace the follower concept it is time to strengthen relationships even further.
Year one will produce incredible momentum for your athletes, your team and your program. Get these concepts instilled in your players, enjoy the momentum and have fun building your Green Team.
Green Team Scores will help you understand where your team is at on their leadership journey
#Goals give you clear markers to watch for in your players, helping you see if the lessons are sticking
Spotlight is your go-to for celebrating those standout “Green” players who are making a real impact
Year One Shop
In addition to the materials you received in your verification kit for year 1 if you need more items for your team you can get them below. These are only available to members.
If you have any questions about the Year One Track please let us know. We are here to help make sure you and your team are as successful as possible.