Welcome to Lead ‘Em Up. Here are a few helpful reminders:
- Utilize the Coaches Guide to help you navigate the program. Its a helpful tool with instructions on where to start.
- Begin game-planning how you’ll “Get to 12” – 12 Lead ‘Em Up sessions a year (full calendar year), each ranging from 30-50 minutes, is what we recommend, and what our coaches have shared produces the great impact
- You can follow our suggested 12-session track or choose the exercises you want “a la carte” – year one coaches are recommended to use the suggested
- 12-session track. Coaches who’ve used the program for years, feel free to organize your 12-sessions as you see fit.
- Enjoy the Captains Course – an 8-part program for those special leaders to engage in together.
- Have fun building your Green Team and #LeadEmUp