transform your player’s leadership and elevate your team’s culture

Struggling to take your team to a higher level?

Every tool you will need to build a championship team is available in our Coaches Membership.

As coaches, we believe there is always a higher level our team can reach.

In order to reach that next level it is essential your players demonstrate the highest level of accountability, communication, and focus.

Have you experienced any of these behaviors:

  • Players who are “IN”, but not “ALL- IN”
  • Players who lack consistency
  • Players who don’t seem to care “enough”
  • Players who aren’t willing to hold teammates to a higher standard
  • Players who don’t exhibit the level of energy and enthusiasm needed to perform at their best

Is your team lacking the character needed to succeed?

Green Team Framework Success 1

There are two types of character in sports; moral character and mental character.

Moral character speaks to your integrity

Mental character speaks to your performance.

Unfortunately, our players don’t constantly exhibit the character needed to reach their full potential.


  • Maturity
  • Respect
  • Positivity
  • Accountability
  • Responsibility
  • Self-Awareness


  • Drive
  • Discipline
  • Passion
  • Consistency
  • Work Ethic
  • Resiliency

Your season will be different when the character of your players is different

Rachael Simmons

“I went through a difficult season where I had no answer as to why we were struggling with so much talent. I was then reminded of Lead ‘Em Up and decided to go all-in. It changed everything. My program has grown exponentially this past year because of the leaders we are learning to become.”

Rachael Simmons | Head Girls Volleyball Coach | Moore High School

They show up “special” Every Day

When your players demonstrate the right character they show up “special” Every Day.

Our coaches membership is the toolbox that contains all the tools you’ll need to help your players show up special every day.

Every team and player has specific areas they need to improve, we have the solutions to help improve each of those areas.

Rachael Simmons

“I cannot tell you how much Lead ‘Em Up has changed our entire program. I see it every day in the way our players talk to one another. It gave our players the language to really communicate what needed to be communicated in the moment. It’s amazing.”

Don Grinstead | Athletic Director | Phoenixville Area School District

An Exercise to improve every area of your team

Does your Team Come out Flat?

The Mixing Board exercise will teach your players how to get “dialed-in” every day to be at their best.

Mixing Board
9 Clap Logo

Is your Team Lacking energy and enthusiasm?

9-clap exercise will raise the energy level of your entire team.

Does your team need to get more connected?

The Going for the Gold exercise will teach your players how to have deeper, meaningful conversations, leading to greater connections and fewer cliques.

Go for the Gold
Detail Grab Bag

Do your players struggle to pay attention to details?

The Detail Grab Bag exercise will help turn your players into more detail oriented athletes.

Poor Body Language?

The Body Language Exercise will show your players how their body language communicates more than they think.

9 Clap Logo
Read Receipts

Does your team not listen well?

Read Receipts will help ensure all those on the team understand the expectations to listen at a high level and enhance their communication.

Do you have poor communicators?

In order to have effective conversations, players need to learn to balance love (sugar) and truth (salt).

Sugar and Salt
Read Receipts

Are players not embracing their roles?

This is a multi-faceted, multi-lesson exercise that connects players’ need to properly prepare and the importance of remaining focused on executing their role at a high level.

Get access to all the tools and 30+ MORE exercises and tools to overcome these and many more common coaching struggles.

Every Team is Unique


The exercises, teaching concepts, and tools in the Coaches Membership are meant to work with every type of team and every type of player, regardless of the sport.

Each exercise and teaching concept is adaptable to the unique player’s and situations of your team. 

Rachael Simmons

“Lead ‘Em Up has given our players a competitive edge by helping them take ownership of their own standards. It has fostered accountability and drives them to excel both on and off the court. It gave us more wins and a stronger, more cohesive team.”

Kaleb Money | Head Basketball Coach | Yuma Catholic High School

transform any team

Membership includes access to our nationally recognized Green Team Framework and our transformative Followership Series.

Green Team Framework

Green Team Framework

Everything starts here. The Green Team is the foundation of the Coaches Membership. I alone will produce more committed, consistent, and competitive athletes.



Followership is the key to unlocking the full potential of your team’s leadership. This is the companion series to the Green Team Framework that will support everything set up by the Green Team Framework

How it Works

1: Gain access to the Coaches Membership


2: Get your Team leadership assessment

You will fill out and then receive a customized leadership plan for you to follow based on your team’s specific needs.

3. Participate in onboarding training call

You’ll get an opportunity to sit down with a lead ‘Em Up Team Member who will provide you with additional tools and resources to help you best implement and execute the program.

4. Facilitate your customized leadership plan

Begin hosting team sessions ranging from 30 to 45 minutes taking your team through the lead ‘Em Up Program


5. See your team start to transform

A leadership and character program designed to get teams to their full potential

Anything you want to see in your team has to be developed

All coaches want to see their players showing up and leading at a higher level.

We are never given those athletes, we have to build them, YOU have to build them.

It’s your responsibility as a coach to give them the tools, time, and resources to help them grow their leadership and improve the culture of the team.

The exercises will provide your athletes:

  • A clear understanding of what a high-performing culture looks like
  • Shared language to get everyone on the same page
  • An accountability structure that keeps the team performing at a high level
  • Built-in incentives that reward hard work and effort
  • A tracking tool to help ensure progress and success is being reached

  • An opportunity to grow EVERY area of their leadership

A Membership With All the Tools a Coach Needs


1 on 1 onboarding call with a Lead ‘Em Up Team Member ($250 Value)

  • Designed to answer your questions and get you started on the right foot
  • to set you up
  • A personalized onboarding session that gives you access to ask a leadership expert your questions and to help set you and your team up for success

40+ Dynamic Leadership Exercises ($1,950)

  • Over 40 exercises designed to engage athletes at a high level that are Memorable, Portable, and Sticky, ensuring they are impactful and long-lasting
  • Each exercise focuses on one or more of nine key leadership skills we call “Player Growth Areas” to ensure comprehensive development
  • Each exercise has video, audio, and text lesson plans
  • Lesson-specific graphics for sharing on social
  • 48 hour Exercise reminder cards to instill the lesson after the session
  • Specialized content available to use in team newsletters or other communications
  • A unique “At Home” section for each exercise to allow for continued reinforcement at home
  • A coaches reflections section to keep growing yourself as a coach

Green Team Framework ($799 Value)

  • 7 Exercise teaching concept designed to immediately produce more committed, consistent, and competitive athletes in 30 days

Green Team Kit ($150 Value)

  • Includes, Stickers, Posters, and an MVG Trophy to acknowledge green-verified players.

Followership Series ($350 Value)

  • The companion series to the Green Team Framework, designed to unleash your team’s culture and generate more coachable athletes

Captains Course ($350 Value)

  • An 8 part self-guided training tool specifically designed for team captains that covers: Humility, Character, Consistency, Relationships, Team Awareness, Encouragers, Communication, and Mentorship

Team Leadership Profile & Quick Score ($200 Value)

  • The TLP is an assessment tool for your team that identies specific leadership and character areas your team need to improve in
  • Quick Score is an easy and quantifiable way to track your team’s current leadership character and culture, and measure progress

Comprehensive Support Tools ($500 Value)

  • Player Resource Videos: 5-minute videos to reinforce leadership mindsets
  • Teaching Tips: Maximize the impact of Lead ‘Em Up exercises
  • Get to 12: Resources to best achieve a tangible transformation in team dynamics
  • Player Commitments: Guidelines for athletes to embrace leadership that are simple and easy to remember
  • Language Guide: Overview of terms used in Lead ‘Em Up exercises
  • Spotlight: A way to highlight standout players or teams
  • Webinar Archive: Access to past webinars full of coaching professional development resources
  • Branding Kit: Official logos for social media and team promotion

Private Community Access

  • Connect with our community of coaches and share experiences and unique insights
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest tips and strategies

Support ($300 Value)

  • Year-Long Support & Coaching Consultation
  • Expert Guidance: Continuous support to ensure success

Green 13
All athletes wo participate will be eligible for our yearly Green 13 Award

Over a $4,800 value for only $399

Multiple teams?

Are you looking for a program for multiple teams? Look no further.

Using the Coaches Membership with your whole athletic program will supercharge growth and momentum of your athletes.


If you don’t see more committed, consistent, and competitive athletes at the end of those 30 days you get your money back.

Transform Your Leadership

Transform Your Season

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I get access to the Coaches Membership?

You receive access to the membership for 12-months with renewal opportunities at the end of the year.

What is covered on the Virtual On-Boarding Call?

During our call we will help get you set-up for success, sharing best practices, providing helpful strategies to maximize the program and answer any questions you may have. After the call, you will be READY to roll.

How often should I do Lead ‘Em Up?

We recommend teams targeting 12 sessions throughout a calendar year. A session is 30-45 minutes of intentional focus on leadership development. This equates to 6-9 hours annually.

How quickly will I begin seeing results?

Instantly. You will begin seeing the language and momentum of the sessions starting to play out in your practices, games and players lives, immediately following sessions. We’ve designed the program full of sticky language and teachings that players seamlessly begin incorporating into their interactions.

How do I know which exercises to begin using?

Each team fills out a Team Leadership Assessment once they gain access to the Membership. Based on the Assessment results, we will provide you a customized plan on which exercise to begin with and the order to follow. You can follow our suggested plan but you also have the ability to navigate through the exercises at your own discretion.

When should we start Lead ‘Em Up?

Today! Most teams in Lead ‘Em Up approach their leadership development with a year-long mindset, engaging in sessions during the season as well as offseason. The biggest thing to consider is attendance. Start when you can best guarantee full attendance. Your players will begin adopting a unique leadership language, so when players miss it, they don’t understand the language.

WHAT IF I HAVE MULTIPLE TEAMS I want to use this with?

Great question. We have an athletic program option for $1099 that you can select for multiple teams. For example, if you’re an Athletic Director (or maybe you oversee a youth sports organization) and want all your teams to have access. Simply purchase the Athletic Program package and you’ll receive a special username/password that allows multiple teams to access the materials.

How long does it take to learn the exercises?

We allow you to learn the exercises through video, audio or by printing the lesson plan. I’d say give yourself 15-20 minutes to learn each exercise so you can then facilitate it. All-in-all, learning and facilitating a Lead ‘Em Up exercise will take a fraction of the time it takes to learn and implement a new play, defensive set, etc., so if you’ve implemented something on offense or defense, you are MORE than capable to implement Lead ‘Em Up.

How does the Captains Course work?

The Captains Course is an 8-part Self-Guided course the Captains do on their own, together with each other. Simply send them the PDF course and they can go through it together. We recommend having one of the Captains be the point person to organize and initiate the meetings. There are two points during the self-guided course where the Captains have to check in with the coach, so the coach can have assurance the course is being completed.

I already have the Green Team Framework, why do I need the Coaches Membership?

The Green Team Framework is our 7-exercise, 30-day framework designed to kickstart your team’s leadership, character and culture. The Coaches Membership has 40+ exercises along with a library of dynamic resources to sustain a full leadership program with your team. Leadership development is an on-going practice and the Membership gives you ALL the tools you need.

Should I do Lead ‘Em Up with just the team or the full program (JV, Varsity, etc)

That is up to you! Some use it with their whole program, while others reserve it strictly for varsity. There are pros and cons to both. Pros for whole program: everyone experiences it, you start developing leaders early. Cons for the whole program: the larger the group the more distraction, it may reduce players willingness to participate, both teams won’t be going through and experiencing the same things so its tougher to personalize the session.

What do I do after year one of the membership?

The hope is that you renew and continue utilizing Lead ‘Em Up. On average coaches are only able to go through 20-25% of the full curriculum in year one, so there will still be so much content you haven’t completed yet. In addition, we strongly encourage you continue to teach and go deeper on the core (Green Team Framework and Followership) every year. And there’s always new updates and content being provided.