Let’s Connect
On every platform, we use the hashtag #leademup so it is easy for you to find Lead ‘Em Up content. We also encourage all of our Members to do the same, that way you can see what other Lead ‘Em Up Coaches are up to, share who is getting Green Verified, celebrate wins together, or anything else you can think of.
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Private Facebook Group
This group is exclusive to the Lead ‘Em Up family; coaches, athletic directors, schools, and parents connected to Lead ‘Em Up.
This group is our platform to provide more detailed content, instruction, and discussion for our Lead ‘Em Up family.
We encourage everyone to engage, interact, and share with each other.
Everyone in this group has a shared interest in impacting and developing young people.
Lead ‘Em Up Podcast
Subscribe now! Get ready for your week with the Lead ‘Em Up Podcast. New episodes released Sunday.
Latest Episode
How Authentic is Your Authenticity?
In this episode, we ask the hard question: Is the way others perceive you aligned with who you truly are, and are you showing up consistently across all areas of life? Discover how to increase the frequency of your influence and ensure your authenticity leaves a...