The hope as you enter into Year Four of Lead ‘Em Up is your team and program are in a healthy position. The impact of the work you’ve been doing over the previous years have helped strengthened and solidified your culture and team leadership.

It’s now time to take your program to a level it’s never been at.

The Year Four theme is 1% Everything – when programs are healthy, growth can only be found in the small 1% details.

It reminds us of the comment shared by one of our Lead ‘Em Up ownership partners, Adam Harrington, who’s an NBA coach and trainer and has worked with top NBA players in the world, “what do you work on with your NBA players in the offseason” we asked.

“When players are at this level, all the major things in their game are really good, the only thing we can improve at this point is the small 1% details,” he shared.

The same holds true for programs.

Let’s start 1% Everything in the program and continue enhancing the strength of your player’s leadership, team, and program.

You will reference this theme all throughout the upcoming year.

1% Everything Exercise List

In the Year Four exercise track prepare to begin putting more and more emphasis on what can be considered “small things” as you work to grow 1%.

Lead 'Em Up Year 4 - 1%


Engage in your annual Green Team kickoff with an update to Green Standards and Green Awards reminder.

Green Team
Player Commitments
Green Awards


(NEW) It’s time to 1% Everything with our new program focused 1% Everything exercise.
1% Everything Exercise Logo


Continue mastering and improving on the details with our Detail Grab Bag exercise, tied with accountability as you introduce new “6” partners.
Detail Grab Bag
The Six


If you care about the little things, you’ll care about the big things. 5&2 will change how your players shake hands forever. And BedStart will create a new discipline that’ll help your players.
5 & 2
Bed Start


Make sure everyone is on the Same Page of our need to improve everything by 1%.
Same Page


How you do anything is how you do everything, so make sure the player’s social media and digital presence are healthy and exhibiting Green behaviors through our Green Flags exercise.
Green Flags


Enhance communication with the touch on the Sugar & Salt and brought to life with the Voice Activated exercise.
Sugar and Salt
Voice Activated


Toaster and Mixing Board will help your team lock in and dial it up.
The Toaster
Mixing Board


Body Language Runway helps bring to life a detail many players think is a small detail but a great example of an area where 1% growth is essential.
Body Language Runway


Living with great character and showing up with strong leadership is a daily practice, the Toiletry Bag will help make sure your players are fresh every day.
Toiletry Bag


Do your players listen, or do they full Process? Move your players to a greater level of engagement with the Process exercise.


Deepen what it means to be in your program as you have your players leave their legacy through the Jersey Rep exercise.
Jersey Rep

Year four is complete. The hope at this stage is Lead ‘Em Up has helped transform and elevate your program in all areas. You’ve put in incredible work at this point and are very familiar with the program.

Moving forward, you are in a position to begin formulating your own tracks based on the feel of the team and understanding of the Lead ‘Em Up content.

We also hope your team is scoring in the Green on the Green Team Score, is living in the Goals, and has numerous candidates to Spotlight.


Green Team Scores will help you understand where your team is at on their leadership journey


#Goals give you clear markers to watch for in your players, helping you see if the lessons are sticking

Player Spotlight

Spotlight is your go-to for celebrating those standout “Green” players who are making a real impact

Year Four Shop

In addition to the materials you received in your verification kit for year three if you need more items for your team you can get them below. These are only available to members.


If you have any questions about the Year One Track please let us know. We are here to help make sure you and your team are as successful as possible.